Thursday, November 1, 2012

New Kid On The Blog, November 2012: Making It Lovely

There are so many good and so many bad designs on the web. It amazes me that anybody cares so little to make a website look like this! But I guess I can put up with that when I also get to see ones like this. It's a touchy subject amongst bloggers. To custom design (& host) or not to custom design. A pleasant conversation between two casual friends came to a sudden, uncomfortable end over this topic. Podcast partners, Joy and Tracy, independently successful bloggers, nearly came to blows over it. The thing of it is, what matters is not how it's made but how it looks. I've come to realize, as with life itself, it's best to have a vision and stick to it. That's what makes Nicole's "Making It Lovely" blog, well, so lovely. Her obvious pleasure using pale pinks & corals (set off by whites & other neutrals) infuses every thing from her backgrounds to the furniture, fashion, paint - even the kids' Halloween costumes - that she posts about. Peruse her blog and let me know if you like it too!

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