Wow - talk about the prettiest colors coming from nature! Crazy huh? All of a sudden I seem to really like the color blue. Or more accurately turquoise-aqua-teal blue. Martha Stewart called it 'Vintage Map' when I painted my guestroom 4 years ago. Benjamin Moore seems to think it is 'True Blue" though I respectfully disagree. In any event it is the color found in the darling little ceramic berry cartons from Anthropologie that I have been coveting. Paired with these jewel-like fruit colors - granny smith green, lemon rind, citrusy orange - and accented with the deepest teal of my new pots' shadowed recesses, well it's an energizing palette suited to the first evening this year that we in New York benefit from the extended brightness of Daylight Savings Time. Oh and by the way - I call that clear and oh-so-sparkling shade of blue 'Tiffany' but maybe that's just me (wink wink).
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