I've been dealing with a few things this week. Anticipation (new job). Tension (new people). Stress (new traffic patterns). But as the week unfolded everything pretty much settled in. Then along about Wednesday there was this. So nice, yah? It was one of those supremely {hot} and {humid} New York days...nearly 100 degrees. Hazy blue sky (at least that's how it looked all day through the tinted windows of my new air-conditioned office). The top was down (in fact has been for 3 days straight) as I zigged and zagged my way home. Clouds started to gather and drops started to splat on my windshield. I bailed a couple of exits early in case I had to pull the top closed. Around the bend, this painterly scene: the sun battling clouds, from brilliant whites to angry grays, occasionally parting to reveal clear blue patches. Breathe deep. Sigh.

This is an awesome idea. Swatching out colors from an inspiring photograph. I have been looking for new ways to "collect" color combinations. What is your other blog?